The Drug Metabolism Section (DMS) of IUPHAR encourages all efforts and activities associated with promoting and supporting the awareness of drug and xenobiotic metabolism at the international level. This encompasses a variety of initiatives, including those designed to stimulate the training of young scientists and establishment of regional leadership in the areas of interest to DMS. An additional goal of these activities is to increase interaction between investigators in different countries, both in developed and less well-developed regions.
The DMS has historically funded international research training courses in less well-developed regions. The Section gives priority to courses attended by graduate students and post-doctoral scientists, and involving faculty with recognised expertise. Another type of initiative is the co-sponsorship of scientific meetings, workshops and short courses designed to increase the research capabilities of investigators and students in less well-developed countries and regions. Such financial support is, generally, limited to activities initiated outside those of regular meetings organized by well-established scientific societies. Organisers are urged to consult with the DMS regarding the suitability of courses for funding prior to the submission of applications.
Preliminary discussions between the chair of the Meeting Organising Committee and the DMS, through its Secretary, should be initiated 18 months prior to the planned event. Items numbered 1 through 6 and item 11 in the Application information below should be presented at this time. Following approval by the DMS Council, a formal application should be submitted.
The application should be sent via e-mail, or if this is not practicable, via priority mail to the Secretary of the DMS (see the address at the end of this announcement). The application must include the following information:
1) the type of activity and the name of the event
2) the time and place of the event
3) the chair and composition of the Organising Committee
4) the Scientific Advisory Board
5) the organisation applying for financial support
6) the purpose and goals of the meeting
7) draft of the programme
8) the target audience expected to be involved in the event
9) the estimated number of participants, including doctoral students and post-doctoral scientists
10) a budget, which includes other sources from which support for the event has been or will be applied for, or from which support has already been committed or received, and specific indication of how any IUPHAR support will be utilized
11) a plan stipulating the division of financial liability as well as profits, between the participating financial supporters, when appropriate. If the IUPHAR contribution is to be limited to a single cash grant, then a statement to this effect and the amount of the grant should be provided.
Deadline for applications:
Final applications should be received by 1st November in the year preceding the planned meeting (or at least 12 months before). However, seed-monies for small meetings may also be applied for at other times, but at least six months before the planned meeting.
Funding will be on the basis of scientific quality and merit, benefits to the participants and host country/region, and requested budget. Usually funds will be transferred to the event account rather than an individual. Funding will only be made available to events endorsed by recognised scientific societies/associations and research or teaching institutions (eg. universities).
Applications can also be made to ICSU for similar activities, preferably in collaboration with another scientific organization. These applications should be submitted to the DMS by January of the year preceding the event, to allow prioritisation by IUPHAR.
Meeting Follow-up:
It is a requirement of IUPHAR support that an account of the proceedings be provided in a timely fashion, including photographs, if appropriate. This will be submitted for publication in the Newsletter of the International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (ISSX) and/or Pharmacology International (the IUPHAR Newsletter).
A finalized financial report of the event will need to be submitted to the DMS within 120 days of the end of the meeting.
For initial discussions, further information, and mailing of the application, please contact:
Olavi Pelkonen, Professor of Pharmacology
University of Oulu
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
PO Box 5000 (Aapistie 5)
FIN-90014 University of Oulu